Monday, February 20, 2012

Rondo, Bulls, and A New Rivalry

So I'm watching this Bulls Celtics game Thursday evening wondering 3 major things... 1. Who long will they deny Rondo this team?
2. How long will it take for the bulls to pursue Dwight Howard?
3. And finally.. why isn't these two teams focused on when the NBA wants to advertise a rivalry?
First off Rondo is a premier point guard that would be glorified had it not been for, power team in Miami joining forces or the finals days of the Mamba.. Or even the big 3 in his own locker room having a Vh1 surreal life season. I as a Chicago bulls fan will hold my emotions for logic and say that Derrick Rose is an awesome point guard and very capable of being a champion but Rondo is a champion and the triple doubles don't even compare. today in the NBA we've become so spoiled by great swing men and big guys that we forget the impact of little guards. You can't imagine the bulls dynasty without Paxon or Kerr, same with Shaq and Kobe's lakers and D-Fish, or The Celtics dynasty with Dennis Johnson (out of Dominguez High) and Hevlicheck. Little guards are not only needed but along with the proper big man they're unstoppable. I don't know what it is about little guards they're just necessary. Maybe it's the quickness, along with a motivated feistiness if that's even a word. Rondo is the catalyst of the Boston Celtics and they will go as Rondo goes so he needs the keys to the car. If This team wants to beat any of the premier teams then the Celtics need to let Rondo run it and build around him and his attributes. Clearly in the Heat series of the 10-11 playoffs, Rondo showed he was the toughest point in the league and maybe the toughest player. If the Celtics want to contend with the Bulls youthful energy, or Heat veteran intensity, or Lakers Kobe Bryant, then they will need a player or players with youthful energy, veteran intensity, and a skill set to tire a 6'7 33 year old 16 year veteren out. The championship team of 2008 was so different, they faced a different league and teams. There was no Miami mega powers and the Melo drama of New York hadn't quite begun. The baby bulls had to go through their playoff upset which happened to be by that Celtics team. All the Celtics team had to do was out veteran and out savvy the NBA. They happened to have a collection of the best veterans combined in the league in Jesus Shuttlesworths, K.G, and Rasheed Wallace. They had a veteran savvy warrior who had been through his share of playoff upsets in Paul Pierce. To me most important was they had a selfless humble championship worthy point guard to make it all work. With that season under his belt Rondo is the only player who's game can grow and expand. Sheeds out of basketball, Ray and KG are on theirs, and Paul's entering his 1990's Larry Bird seasons. It kills me to hear talk of trading Rondo to help the big 3 win a ring when Rondo was a huge part of the reason they won out. Second I'm thinking how long will they bulls stay mute on the Dwight Howard race. I'm going all in Deng, Boozer, Rip, Watson, leave Taj and Joakim and even go for Quintin Richardson too.
The Bulls with Howard at center Noah at power forward with Q and Taj at 2 and 3, Rose would have a field day going through the league. The Bulls can change the landscape of the game with the ability to run a solid half court offense. They already are a great defensive team, they just need an all out defensive big man. I don't know what the numbers are with salary issues but the bulls.. Yes my bulls need a big man. No offense to Joakim, whose an awesome power foward and my favorite bull since Tony Kucoc. Look at the clippers big man set with Deandre Jordan, Bkake Griffin and K-Mart coming off the bench. That's energy. tenacity, and veteran savvy for chris pauls front line. Imagine the same style set with Dwight Howard, Joakim Noah, and Taj Gibson. Towards the end of the game the bulls had it in the bank and I wondered why all the national media push the laker Celtics rivalry which didn't disappoint but also didn't live up to the decade long rivalry of the 80's. Meanwhile since 2008 the Bulls and Celtics have had some of the greatest basketball games and continue to give great moments, and have also played arguably the greatest playoff series in NBA history. These two teams are great to watch when they play because they play they game they way it should be played. Both teams are tough, play defense, and fight to the final tick. Best of all is that it isn't sloppy physical prison ball. These two teams have animosity but they also have alot of respect for one another. The league showed really focus on the rivalry between the bulls and Celtics because if the Celtics build around Rondo, and the bulls nab Dwight Howard to play with Rose and Noah, then you have 5 to 8 years of great basketball to come. Hey if you feel different, lemme know. I love to hear other people's opinion.

posted from Bloggeroid

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